Committees and Commissions

Library Board

The City of Elroy Library Board is made up of 7 community members who are appointed to a 3 year term.

Utility Commission

The City of Elroy Utility Commission is made up of 5 community members who are appointed to run a 5 year term.

Police Commission

The City of Elroy Police Commission is made up of 5 community members who are appointed to a 5 year term.

Common Council Committes

The members of The City of Elroy Common Council also comprise 6 individual committees within the council.

Zoning Board of Appeals

The City of Elroy Board of Appeals is made up of 5 members and 2 alternates from the community that are appointed to serve a 3 year term.

Community Development Authority

The City of Elroy Community Development Authority is made up of 6 appointed local business owners/community members whose goal is to promote the development of business in Elroy and to sustain current business.