Please contact any one of the following regarding your questions:


 After Hours Non-Emergency Contact Information

In case of an after hours non emergency, such as a power outage, tree down, a water main break, etc. please contact the Juneau County Dispatch non emergency number at 608-847-5649.  They will be able to contact the appropriate person to handle the situation.  If this is a life threatening emergency please call 911.

 Bartender's/Operator's Licenses

For questions about Operator's Licenses, please call Lynn at City Hall (608) 462-2400

Applications for Bartender/Operator License and related information can be found under the License and Permit Applications section of this website.

 Building Permits

The paperwork needed to obtain a building permit is available at City Hall.

If you have questions about building permits you may call the building inspector, Jeremy Phillis at (608) 697-7807

If you are a tenant and would like to make a complaint about a property in the City of Elroy that you feel needs repair please fill out a complaint form and return it to the building inspector at City Hall.

 Citations and Parking Tickets

If you have received a traffic or ordinance citation, and have a question regarding that citation, you will need to contact Robin at the Regional Center Municipal Court at (608) 464-7667.  If there is no answer, please leave a message and Robin will return your call.

If you have a question about a parking citation or a suspension notice for an unpaid parking ticket you may call Lynn at City Hall (608) 462-2400.

 City Cemetery Information

For questions about the city cemetery, or to purchase a burial site, please call Chris Zindorf, Cemetery Sexton at (608) 572-2826

 Community Development Block Grant

If you are interested in applying for a CDBG, please call Kari Justmann, with MSA Professional Services, her contact number is (920) 392-5137 and her email is

 Election Information

If you would like information about elections please call Lynn at City Hall (608) 462-2400

Please see the Election FAQ under the Government tab for detailed information on Elections and Voting.

The city is always looking for city residents interested in serving as an election worker.  Please contact Lynn at City Hall if interested.

 Garbage and Recycling Information

If your garbage or recycling is not picked up, please call City Hall (608) 462-2400.

If you have questions regarding garbage and recycling services please feel free to call Lenorud Services. If you have something that needs to be picked up but won't fit in a garbage bag you will need to call and make arrangements with Lenorud Services LLC at (608) 847-2147.

Garbage can not be set out until after 5:00 p.m on the Sunday before pick up. Please have garbage and recycling curbside by 7:00 a.m the morning of pick up.

 Liquor License/Cigarette License

If you have a question about, or would like to apply for, a liquor or cigarette license, please contact Lynn at City Hall (608) 462-2400

All liquor license related forms and information can be found under License and Permit Applications section of this website.

 Moving in or out of the City of Elroy

If you are moving in to the City of Elroy you will need to fill out an application for utility service and provide proof of identity. Applications must be filled out in person at City Hall, 1717 Omaha St, between the hours of 8:00 am - 4:00 pm.  If you are moving out of the City of Elroy you must contact Geena at (608) 462-2400 to discontinue utility service and provide a forwarding address.

 Real Estate and Personal Property Taxes

For questions about your property tax assessment and/or personal property taxes please call Assessor, Bob Madvig at (608) 374-4207 or can be contacted at

The first installment payment of property taxes are paid at City Hall.  The second installment is paid directly to the Juneau County Treasurer.  To check status of your property taxes use can access the Juneau County Web Portal.

 Rent the Meeting Room at the Library

If you would like to rent the meeting room at the Elroy Public Library, please contact Kari Preuss, Librarian, at (608) 462-2407

 Rent a Park Shelter

You can rent the City's Shelter or the Fireman's Shelter by calling City Hall at (608) 462-2400.

The cost to rent a shelter is $55.00.

 Utility Billing

For questions regarding your utility bill or any other utility related questions please contact Geena at (608) 462-2400

 Zoning Information

For questions about zoning, please call Lynn Thorson,Clerk at City Hall (608) 462-2400.