Maintaining Terrace Areas
Sec. 4-2-8 Terrace Areas.
(a) Definition. Boulevard or Terrace Areas. The land between the normal location of the street curbing and sidewalk. Where there is no curb and gutter, the area four feet from the curb line shall be deemed to be a boulevard for the purpose of this Chapter. “Boulevard” shall have the same meaning as “terrace.” Where there are no sidewalks, the area four (4) feet from the curb shall be deemed boulevard areas under this Chapter.
(b) Noxious Weeds; Paving. All that part of the terrace not covered by a sidewalk shall be kept free and clear of all noxious weeds and shall not be paved, surfaced or covered with any material which shall prevent the growth of plants and shall be maintained as a lawn, except in areas specifically approved by the Common Council or its designee. Basketball backstops, statuary, structures, flag poles and other objects shall not be placed in the terrace area.
(c) Responsibility to Maintain. Every owner of land in the City whose land abuts a terrace is required to maintain, or have maintained by his/her tenant, the terrace directly abutting such land as provided in this Section and elsewhere in this Code. Every owner shall keep mailboxes and hydrants located on a terrace free and clear of snow.
(d) Street Rights of Way. Any tree, shrub, hedge, fence or other obstruction planted or constructed within the right-of-way of any City street shall be done at the property owners risk and shall be in accordance with the provisions of Title 4, Chapter 4. In the event any street is widened or sidewalk constructed, any such planting or obstruction shall be removed at the property owner’s expense.